BasketMC and his chatroom work on the small rail station on the Hypermine Vanilla SMP Server. They add in the stations where the engine and caboose stop and fill up with items before going up to the main platform. This is part of the large smart train station he's building on the Hypermine Vanilla SMP server.
Building Intersection 2 - VOD 9/21/16 - Hypermine Vanilla
BasketMC and his chatroom work on the redstone for intersection 2 for the smart rail network on the Hypermine Vanilla SMP server. This is the first regular intersection on the server. It's a 3 way intersection which makes it a little easier than the typical 4 way intersection that he's designed in the previous episode.
Delagging Basket Station - VOD 9/22/16 - Hypermine Vanilla
BasketMC and his chatroom clean up some of the redstone lagginess in the large smart rail station on the Hypermine Vanilla SMP Server by removing extra unneeded hoppers and also placing furnaces on the remaining hoppers.