Scoti and Basket try to recover what's left of their gear. Basket finally rages, it only took 11 episodes, but Mr Calm and Collected reaches his breaking point.
Team B.S.
Island Assault - Ragecraft Insomnia with Team B.S. - Ep 12
Scoti and Basket venture into the lake to see what goodies are out on the islands on the lake. What will they find?
Little Empire, Big Victory - Ragecraft Insomnia with Team B.S. - Ep 35
Scoti returns from his rage quit. Team B.S. continue their assault on the baby zombie filled village by the creeper wheat field. What will they find??
It's a Trap! - Ragecraft Insomnia with Team B.S. - Ep 39
Scoti and Basket head further into the Little Empire Castle. What sorts of trickery might be played on us?
Amazing Loot - Ragecraft Insomnia with Team B.S. - Ep 25
Basket and Scoti return to Castle Gray Skull in search of the last emerald from the Last Sanctuary. Then they place the first emerald block and get their amazing reward!